When should I give my child a smartphone or access to social media?? Probably not yet.

We’re not aware of any experts or expert organizations that recommend giving children access to smartphones or social media before sixteen.  

  • US Surgeon General - Surgeon General Call for Warning Label on Social Media

    • Social media AFTER middle school at earliest

  • Jonathan Haidt - The Anxious Generation,

    • minimum ages of sixteen for social media

    • freshman year of high school for smartphones 

    • Suggests delaying longer if possible 

  • Smartphone Free Childhood - a group whose mission is to make smartphone free childhoods a reality (again). Resources on their website and links to their newsletter and Whats App group

    • Parents are collectively making decision to delay phones and screens AS LONG AS POSSIBLE

  • Melanie Hempe, founder of ScreenStrong

    • Age 18 - when your child is legally able to sign a contract with a cell service provider 

  • Wait Until 8th 

    •  AFTER 8th grade, at the very least.

    • See school pledge on their website (Collective Action!!)

Long story short: most guidance advises that until your kid is in HIGH SCHOOL, you shouldn’t even consider it.

Consider smartphone ALTERNATIVES… helpful table from Screen Sense