Parents vs. the Technology Industry
Put the odds forever in your favor…
At Home…and with your COMMUNITY
DELAY - Prioritize your child, not technology and current norms. Trying to walk a middle ground (i.e. giving your child a device and planning to limit use) is much harder and riskier than simply delaying.
COLLECTIVE ACTION - Communicate with other families and invite them to join you in delaying, choosing smartphone alternatives, and advocating for opt out options regarding device use at school.
Consider Smartphone alternatives as the default option.
Prioritize independent, free play over supervised play and screen time.
Make sure screens are in ‘public’ places at your house.
Remember that a bigger screen = better.
Prohibit screens in bedrooms. (and at dinner table , during short car rides)
Have a central charging station in the main area of your home (not bedrooms).
Enforce a device bedtime - at least one hour BEFORE bed.
Schedule times when the internet can be accessed.
Make device as simple as possible (BRICK).
Consider a 3rd party protection plan - Canopy, Bark, Verizon, T-mobile, AT&T
Utilize parental controls when a device can’t be avoided, but also understand the limitations of these controls.
Ask your child’s pediatrician for support and information.
Be a model for your child as much as possible. As the saying goes, kids don’t necessarily do what you say, but they do what you do.
At School…
Support Phone Free Schools - VDOE - bell to bell phone-free guidance. The benefits are worth the inconvenience: restored focus, less drama, more real life socializing, less bullying, less stress, less cheating, more reading, happier teachers.
Question Ed Tech use in the classroom - Is it transformational (Ed Tech Triangle)? Remember that independently-funded research does NOT show improved learning, and national academic achievement has declined as classroom device use rises.
Communicate your family’s choices and preferences. Ask that your child opt out of device use and cite the known health harms of device use – especially for elementary schoolers. Act in coordination with other families from the class.
Create a partnership: treat schools/teachers as your partners. What do teachers need to minimize technology use in their classrooms? PTSA, etc.
Use the Unplug Ed Tech Toolkit - from The Screentime Consultant