Additional Information
The Anxious Generation - Jonathan Haidt, Phd - This is the book that really spearheaded a broad movement and surge of awareness last spring. The basic argument is that kids and teens are overprotected in the real world and underprotected online. This is an excellent starting point if you have time to read a whole book. (A note: you should feel empowered and justified in going BEYOND his recommendations instead of taking them as an exact prescription. You might choose to get your child a smartphone at the END of high school, not the beginning, and you might decide 16 is still too young for opening the Pandora’s Box of social media.)
Screen Schooled - Joe Clement, Matt Miles - is a great and fairly short book mainly centered on screens in schools and Ed Tech's destructive impact on education. It was published in 2018. It’s shocking that things are still so much the same as when this book was written.
The Screentime Solution - Emily Cherkin - A thorough, practical and encouraging book about parenting in the modern digital age. Emily has just released an Ed Tech Toolkit, available as a PDF through her website.
Stolen Focus - Johann Hari - The author has collected perspectives of leading scientists and experts about why our ability to pay attention and focus has become so fragmented. We feel like our inability to focus is a personal flaw, but it’s not.
Dopamine Nation - Anna Lembke, M.D. - Dr. Lembke explores the interconnection between pleasure and pain in the brain and helps explain addictive behaviors, like screen based addiction.
Sapien Labs Study - a study which shows decreasing mental health outcomes for children who received a smartphone or tablet earlier at younger ages.
End the Phone-Based Childhood Now -- Jonathan Haidt article summarizing The Anxious Generation in The Atlantic
The Case for Phone Free Schools -- Haidt article from After Babel in case you run into paywall with the first one
‘Educational’ Screens in Classrooms Do More Harm Than Good from Newsweek
The Question We Should All Be Asking - The Opt Out Family (hint? Who funds these organizations?)
Guides & Courses
The Choose Your Own Adventure Guide to Smartphone Alternatives - by Catherine Price
Parental Controls for Every Digital Device - from Protect Young Eyes - an exhaustive analysis of parental controls. Remember, this is not the solution. It’s a flawed attempt by tech companies to shift responsibility. But this is very hard.
A Parent's Guide to Understanding the Harms of the Phone Based Childhood, Along with Ten Tips for Rolling it Back - by Catherine Price - a practical guide to the management of technology in your child’s life. Includes a link to Catherine’s popular presentation for parents.
Kids, Brains and Screens - Screen Strong - a much recommended course for middle school kids about technology’s impact on the brain. Paid resource.
Opt Out Toolkit - The Screentime Consultant - free when email provided
Podcasts, Substacks & Movies
Chasing Childhood - movie streaming (Apple TV) - Lenore Skenazy, Peter Gray
Childhood 2.0 - Amazon Prime - the world our kids are growing up in
Jonathan Haidt (The Anxious Generation) - has been on podcasts everywhere!
The Social Dilemma - Netflix
How to Feel Alive (podcast) - Catherine Price - Kids, Smartphones and Social Media
Scrolling2Death (podcast)
After Babel - (substack) Jonathan Haidt and partners use moral psychology to explain why so much is going wrong.
Wait Until 8th - - includes a parent pledge to use in schools/groups
Screen Sense -
Screen Strong -
Healthy Screen Habits -
Phone Free Schools Movement -
Smartphone Free Childhood - - an active whats app group with parents from all over the country
OSPREY (Old School Parents Raising Engaged Youth) -
Let Grow -
The anxious generation - free the anxious generation. The Anxious Generation - Free the Anxious Generation. (n.d.-b).
Bilton, N. (2024). Steve jobs was a low tech parent. New York Times. Retrieved June 1, 2024, from
Cherkin, E. (2024). The screentime solution: A judgment-free guide to becoming a tech-intentional family. Greenleaf Book Group Press.
Clement, J., & Miles, M. (2018). Screen schooled: Two veteran teachers expose how technology overuse is making our kids dumber. Chicago Review Press Incorporated.
Constant companion: A week in the life of a young person’s smartphone use. Common Sense Media. (2023, September 26).
The EdTech Triangle. (n.d.).
Haidt, J. (2024). The anxious generation: How the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness. Penguin Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.
Hari, J. (2023). Stolen focus: Why you can’t pay attention. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Let Grow. Let Grow. (2024, August 14).
Murthy, V. (2024) Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from
Parental Controls for every digital device | protect young eyes. Protect Young Eyes. (n.d.).
Phone Options by Screen Sense. ScreenSense. (2024).
Price, Catherine. (2024, June 6). A Parents Guide to Understanding the Harms of the Phone-Based Childhood, Along With Ten Tips for Rolling It Back. After Babel . June 15, 2024,
Price, Cathering. (2024, August 5). The Choose Your Own Adventure Guide to Smartphone Alternatives. Catherine Price. September 20, 2024,
Rapid report: Age of smartphone ownership: Sapien Labs. Sapien Labs | Neuroscience | Human Brain Diversity Project. (2024, June 7).
Robinson, L. (2024, September 29). Shared reading boosts early brain development. Neuroscience News.
Screenstrong. ScreenStrong. (n.d.).
Wait until 8th. Wait Until 8th. (n.d.).
Whitman, K., Repasky, M., & Polak, S. (n.d.). Phone Free Schools Movement.